12th Grade - Week 2

Dear class,
How are you? Are you staying in? Eating well, sleeping well, drinking water? 

Welcome to week 2. Last week you sent me some lists of everyday objects. We are seeing vocabulary so we will continue on the same track. For our first task this week you have to watch the following video.  It's my favorite song about materials.  


OK, so now you have a list of different materials. We have objects, materials and properties (e.g. object: belt, material: leather, properties: strong, flexible), you have fabrics, natural and synthetic, etc.

So this week's task will be using the list you sent me with the different objects and complete it with the material and their properties using the following structure:

(the object or objects) is/are made of (material) and is (properties)

e.g. A back comb is made of plastic and is strong and soft. 
So, send me your lists or leave them in the comments with your name (I'm recording your participation). 10 objects and what material are they and their properties or characteristics. You can change a couple objects if they are too difficult to describe for you but keep at least 80% of your original list. Make sure you use lots of different properties. Check the thesaurus and your dictionaries. Be creative and expand your vocabulary. That's the idea of this exercise. 

And task 2 is to download the following worksheet, read it, work on it, study it. Do the exercises, and if you have any questions let me know. 

That's all for now. I hope you're doing well. Let me know anything.



Benja said…

What is the deadline to send the worksheet?
Rubén said…
Next wednesday. If you are too busy or something let me know by email :)