Dear Students,
Do you consider yourself and adventurer? Do you like kitesurfing, windsurfing, white water rafting or bungee jumping? Are you into trekking? Getting lost on a beach? Walking downtown? Backpacking? Camping?
Task 1: This week you have to answer this one question: What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? What was it? Where did you do it? When did you do it? Would you do it again?
Write a short text answering those questions and send them to my email by tuesday.
Task 2: Work with a classmate (or two) on whatsapp or facebook messenger or whatever app you use. Go to this website: Adventure Worldwide and choose together one adventure holiday to go on.
In the following days you'll receive a confirmation for our zoom meeting. In that meeting I will ask some of you to talk a little bit about your choice. Why did you chose that particular adventure? What is it? Feel free to send me a written draft and I'll correct it for you. (Por temas de tiempo y duración de las reuniones, no tod@s podrán presentar así que elijan un/a representante para que mencione la aventura que escogieron)(sé que da vergüenza pero a todos nos pasa así que tranquil@)
So, as a summary.
First: Text answering what's the most exciting thing you've ever done to my email by tuesday.
Second: Go to the Adventure Worldwide site. Chose an adventure. Coordinate with a classmate or two. Get ready to present (briefly) on our zoom meeting.
Do you consider yourself and adventurer? Do you like kitesurfing, windsurfing, white water rafting or bungee jumping? Are you into trekking? Getting lost on a beach? Walking downtown? Backpacking? Camping?
Task 1: This week you have to answer this one question: What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? What was it? Where did you do it? When did you do it? Would you do it again?
Write a short text answering those questions and send them to my email by tuesday.
Task 2: Work with a classmate (or two) on whatsapp or facebook messenger or whatever app you use. Go to this website: Adventure Worldwide and choose together one adventure holiday to go on.
In the following days you'll receive a confirmation for our zoom meeting. In that meeting I will ask some of you to talk a little bit about your choice. Why did you chose that particular adventure? What is it? Feel free to send me a written draft and I'll correct it for you. (Por temas de tiempo y duración de las reuniones, no tod@s podrán presentar así que elijan un/a representante para que mencione la aventura que escogieron)(sé que da vergüenza pero a todos nos pasa así que tranquil@)
So, as a summary.
First: Text answering what's the most exciting thing you've ever done to my email by tuesday.
Second: Go to the Adventure Worldwide site. Chose an adventure. Coordinate with a classmate or two. Get ready to present (briefly) on our zoom meeting.