10th Grade - Week 3

Dear Students,
Do you consider yourself and adventurer? Do you like kitesurfing, windsurfing, white water rafting or bungee jumping? Are you into trekking? Getting lost on a beach? Walking downtown? Backpacking? Camping?
Task 1: This week you have to answer this one question: What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? What was it? Where did you do it? When did you do it? Would you do it again? 
Write a short text answering those questions and send them to my email by tuesday.

Task 2: Work with a classmate (or two) on whatsapp or facebook messenger or whatever app you use. Go to this website: Adventure Worldwide and choose together one adventure holiday to go on.  

In the following days you'll receive a confirmation for our zoom meeting. In that meeting I will ask some of you to talk a little bit about your choice. Why did you chose that particular adventure? What is it? Feel free to send me a written draft and I'll correct it for you. (Por temas de tiempo y duración de las reuniones, no tod@s podrán presentar así que elijan un/a representante para que mencione la aventura que escogieron)(sé que da vergüenza pero a todos nos pasa así que tranquil@)

So, as a summary. 
First: Text answering what's the most exciting thing you've ever done to my email by tuesday. 
Second: Go to the Adventure Worldwide site. Chose an adventure. Coordinate with a classmate or two. Get ready to present (briefly) on our zoom meeting. 



