Week 2
Dear Students,How are you? How's the second quarantine week going? Did you finish watching the 10 seasons of Friends again? Did you read the Quarantine Tips from my Cat? Leave a comment below!
I have received your last week's tasks and I'm very happy with the results. Good job and keep it up!
Remember my email is open Mon-Fri. 8AM-4PM for questions or comments and, most importantly, to receive your work. Oh, and it's rubeningles.etievan@gmail.com.
Check the image and leave a comment below. :)
Which traffic scene do you think is more hectic? (= frenética).Why? Leave a comment below.
Task 1 - Due Wednesday 25 (or thursday 26)
I. Watch the segments again. For the following write (N) if you think the following are more evident in the scene in New York traffic, write (I) if you think it is in the tuk tuk's scene in India or write (B) if it's both countries. 1. ( ) Dangerous
2. ( ) Busy
3. ( ) Reckless
4. ( ) Fast
5. ( ) Violent
6. ( ) Safe
7. ( ) Practical

e.g.: The traffic in India is much more dangerous than in New York.
III. In which city would you prefer living? Bangalore or New York? Why? Write 50 words and leave them in the comments or send them to my email.
Task 2 - Due by Monday 30th
Download the following worksheet. You can print it (if you have a printer), write the answers on your notebook (and take a picture) or write on the same .docx document.
(Descarga la guía del siguiente link. Puedes imprimirla, responder en tu cuaderno o usar el mismo documento .docx para responder. Házmela llegar cuando puedas, pero antes del próximo lunes para que no se te junten con las otras cosas :) )
Worksheet 2:
Let me know if you have any questions or comments: rubeningles.etievan@gmail.com
Stay safe, stay in, take care.